The Final Flight

Eagle Pride In The Sky


Now that:

  • You can send data correctly,
  • You can receive data correctly,
  • You can plot the data on the habhub tracker correctly,
  • You know how to assemble the balloon,
  • You have predicted the flight,
  • You have legal permission to launch the balloon,
  • You have internet access while tracking the balloon,
  • etc.

You are nearly ready to launch. The only things left at this point are:

  • Finding how much helium you'll need to fill the balloon with,
  • And making a flight document on the habhub tracker.

The amount of helium needed is simple. Going back to the UKHAS balloon data page used in the path prediction section of the tutorial, the "Volume at Release" should be listed, which is the exact amount of helium needed to achieve the correct burst altitude and rate of ascent.

Making a flight document is relatively simple as well and pretty self-explanatory. Fill out the required information using what we already determined before, and save the document. At this point, all that really needs to be done is you need to set up everything like you did in the test flight, chase it down like you did in the range test, and interpret the data like you did with the test flight. It's all yours from here on out!

Have fun, and good luck! I hope this tutorial was of good use!


Setting up the Pi <<